Sunday, November 06, 2005

Conspicuous co Clowns

If it weren't for olives in martinis, I'd never fit in my clown shoes.

Neither would these clowns:
Lunatics both and worth the livid peruse.

Have been to busy trying to convince children to convince their parents to buy them poison, to blog. I resolve to address this most aggregious lapse.


Blogger Litotes The Clown said...

It is good that you are making an effort comrade, but I must extort you to greater acts of sacrifice.

Our blitzkrieg upon the blogsphere is well underway, and the precious info is flowing, we must now begin to focus more of your mien [mien n.: Bearing or manner, especially as it reveals an inner state of mind: “He was a Vietnam veteran with a haunted mien” (James Traub). An appearance or aspect.] upon the planned reconstruction of our homeland.

We have many issues to discuss.

Do not be afraid. Cruelty is mixed with tenderness.

Litotes The Clown

8:53 AM  

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